Finally I managed remixed three songs, but now the question is whether everyone would enjoy? A check is my experts from the music my sister and her boyfriend, I hope that they like the music. . I'm scared because I never created the same music, I'd prefer created the night so I like it :). But I can not forget other obligations tomorrow with my beloved sister go for a little shopping spree, so I will not have time to music: (. There is no need to break down I have this whole holiday :) and now relaxes listening, Rihanna - We Found Love'' love this tune <3 is great. For several days I feel like singing so I start to sing from today. :)
środa, 16 lipca 2014
Udało się :)
Nareszcie mi się udało zremiksowałam trzy piosenki , ale teraz pytanie czy wszystkim będzie się podobało? A sprawdzą to moi eksperci od muzyki moja siostra i jej chłopak mam nadzieję , że im się spodoba muzyka. . Boję się bo nigdy nie tworzyłam sama muzyki , najchętniej to bym tworzyła całą noc tak mi się to podoba :) . Ale nie mogę zapominać o innych obowiązkach , jutro z moją ukochana siostrzyczką wybieramy się na małe zakupowe szaleństwo , więc nie będę miała czasu na muzykę :( . Nie ma co się załamywać mam na to całe wakacje :) , a teraz relaksuje się słuchając ,,Rihanna - We Found Love'' kocham tą nutę <3 jest świetna . Od kilku dni mam ochotę śpiewać więc zaczynam śpiewać od dzisiaj. :)
Finally I managed remixed three songs, but now the question is whether everyone would enjoy? A check is my experts from the music my sister and her boyfriend, I hope that they like the music. . I'm scared because I never created the same music, I'd prefer created the night so I like it :). But I can not forget other obligations tomorrow with my beloved sister go for a little shopping spree, so I will not have time to music: (. There is no need to break down I have this whole holiday :) and now relaxes listening, Rihanna - We Found Love'' love this tune <3 is great. For several days I feel like singing so I start to sing from today. :)
Finally I managed remixed three songs, but now the question is whether everyone would enjoy? A check is my experts from the music my sister and her boyfriend, I hope that they like the music. . I'm scared because I never created the same music, I'd prefer created the night so I like it :). But I can not forget other obligations tomorrow with my beloved sister go for a little shopping spree, so I will not have time to music: (. There is no need to break down I have this whole holiday :) and now relaxes listening, Rihanna - We Found Love'' love this tune <3 is great. For several days I feel like singing so I start to sing from today. :)
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