I can not believe it! Just today I discovered on my program I create my own music without remisowania songs of other artists, I'm happy because this fact alone can create and have ideas for music;). I have already prepared presentations to the song Rihanna also wants to create the same song;) As I started to create the melody itself yet so I do not follow the melodies, but it can be repaired, but need more work and a lot of effort :). I can not wait for tonight's concert in Koszalin will certainly be fun. I am now with you to say goodbye, because I have plans for this evening, good evening, good night: :*
niedziela, 3 sierpnia 2014
Nie mogę w to uwierzyć!!! Właśnie dzisiaj odkryłam na moim programie mogę tworzyć swoją własną muzykę bez remisowania piosenek innych artystów , cieszy mnie ten fakt bo mogę sama tworzyć a mam pomysły na muzykę ;) . Mam już przygotowaną prezentacje do piosenki Rihanny , chce też tworzyć sama piosenki ;) Już zaczełam tworzyć melodię sama jeszcze tak bardzo nie nadążam za melodiami , ale da się to naprawić , tylko potrzeba więcej pracy i dużo starania :) . Nie mogę się poczekać dzisiejszego koncertu w Koszalinie będzie na pewno fajnie . Ja teraz z Wami się żegnam , bo mam plany na ten wieczór miłego wieczoru , dobranoc :*
I can not believe it! Just today I discovered on my program I create my own music without remisowania songs of other artists, I'm happy because this fact alone can create and have ideas for music;). I have already prepared presentations to the song Rihanna also wants to create the same song;) As I started to create the melody itself yet so I do not follow the melodies, but it can be repaired, but need more work and a lot of effort :). I can not wait for tonight's concert in Koszalin will certainly be fun. I am now with you to say goodbye, because I have plans for this evening, good evening, good night: :*
I can not believe it! Just today I discovered on my program I create my own music without remisowania songs of other artists, I'm happy because this fact alone can create and have ideas for music;). I have already prepared presentations to the song Rihanna also wants to create the same song;) As I started to create the melody itself yet so I do not follow the melodies, but it can be repaired, but need more work and a lot of effort :). I can not wait for tonight's concert in Koszalin will certainly be fun. I am now with you to say goodbye, because I have plans for this evening, good evening, good night: :*
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