Płyta How Big How Blue How Beautiful będzie trzecim krążkiem w dorobku Florence + The Machine. Za produkcję płyty odpowiedzialny jest m.in. Markus Dravs i Paul Epworth. Praca nad płytą How Big How Blue How Beautiful rozpoczęła się w czerwcu 2014 roku. W rok po wejściu do studia Florence ma gotowy krążek.
Florence And The Machine reveals new song. The song is titled Ship To Wreck. Audio recording has already appeared on YouTube. Florence And The Machine - This Ship Wreck - new song is ready. Audio recording went on YouTube at the beginning of April 2015. It's a piece of Ship Wreck single from the new album Florence And The Machine Fri. How Big How Blue How Beautiful. When can we expect to release album How Big How Blue How Beautiful in stores? Soon! Money for the new album Florence and The Machine should be prepared on June 1, 2015 year. It was on this day the puck will go on sale. Ship to Wreck a new single on What Kind Of Man and St Jude, who by the way, we can throw into a bag with what's new music in 2015.
Motherboard How Big How Blue How Beautiful is the third album in the acquis Florence + The Machine. Responsible for the production of discs feature Markus Dravs and Paul Epworth. Work on the album How Big How Blue How Beautiful began in June 2014 year. A year after entering the studio in Florence is ready album.
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