Oto tracklista:
"My Kind"
"One in a Million"
"Breathe In. Breathe Out."
"Arms Around a Memory"
"Stay in Love"
"Brave Heart"
"Picture This"
"Night Like This" feat. Kendall Schmidt
Ostatni krążek Amerykanki, "Dignity", zdobył trzecie miejsce listy Top 200 magazynu "Billboard". Zestaw pochodzi z marca 2007 roku.
Duff od kilku lat występuje głównie w produkcjach telewizyjnych oraz w serialach, m.in. "Plotkarze" i "Dwóch i pół".
The fifth LP, the artist received the title of "Breathe In. Breathe Out.". Publishing premiere was set for 12 June. On the set they hit the already known single "Chasing the Sun", "All About You" and "Sparks". The video for the latter song can check poniżej.Jedynym guest on the album is Kendall Schmidt, singer and actor, best known for the TV series "Big Time Rush".
Here is the tracklist:
"My Kind"
"One in a Million"
"Breathe In. Breathe Out."
"Arms Around a Memory"
"Stay in Love"
"Brave Heart"
"Picture This"
"Night Like This" feat. Kendall Schmidt
The last album American women, "Dignity", won third place Top 200 list of the magazine "Billboard". Kit comes with March 2007.
Duff for several years occurs mainly in television productions and television series, including "Gossip Girl" and "Two and a Half Men".
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