Obecność Patryka Kumóra podczas spotkania na temat nowej płyty Saszan od razu zrodziła plotki, że artyści planują współpracę. Wprawdzie fani zalali komentarze pod zdjęciem pytaniami o duet Saszan z Patrykiem Kumórem, to nie ma jeszcze oficjalnej odpowiedzi w tej sprawie. Jedno natomiast pozostaje pewne, Saszan kombinuje coś nowego .
Debiutancki album o tytule RSP. Longplay ukazał się we wrześniu 2014 roku nakładem My Music docierając do 2. miejsca listy OLiS. Wydawnictwo promują single Świat jest nasz, Wybrałam i Proste Słowa.
The new album Saszan - that's what her fans are waiting singer and this in mid-June 2015. The confirmed just work on their second album. Are you Saszan second album will be her duet with Patrick Kumor? See where the idea for a joint song Saszan and Patrick Kumor the new album idol Polish nastolatek.Nowa plate Sazan even in 2015? That was the question about the second album Saszan ask themselves fans of the singer, after their idol has confirmed work on the album on his Facebook page. The preparations for the new album Saszan learned exactly 18 June 2015 - that's when the young artist has published a timeline picture of Patrick Kumor and Igor Pilewiczem a career watchful red-haired star. #szykujemy #ustalamy # płytasoon - so Saszan selfie signed with the guests in the background.
The presence of Patrick Kumor at a meeting on the new album Saszan immediately gave birth to rumors that the artists plan to work. While fans flooded the comments under the picture Saszan questions about the duet with Patrick Kumor, it does not yet have an official response on the matter. One thing however is certain, Saszan scheming something new.
The debut album titled RSP. The album was released in September 2014, the effort, My Music, and reached the 2nd place Olis list. Publisher promote single world is ours, I chose and simple words.
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