“Drodzy, to trwało zbyt długo!! Jestem podekscytowana na myśl o koncertowaniu dla Was w Europie. Obiecuję, że przeżyjemy wspólnie niesamowite chwile i że mam dla Was wiele niespodzianek. Nie mogę się doczekać, by Was spotkać w Waszych miastach. Love Mariah xx” - zapowiada Mariah.
Mariah Carey to wokalistka o ogromnej skali głosu, sprzedała ponad 220 milionów płyt, a 17 z 18 jej singli, które zdobyły pierwsze miejsce na prestiżowej Billboard Hot 100, zostały napisane przez nią.
American singer Mariah Carey will perform for the first time in Poland. Star concert will be held April 11, 2016 in Tauron Arena in Krakow. Already started selling tickets for this wydarzenie.Artystka appear in Poland as part of the tour "Sweet Sweet Fantasy". This is her first European tour in 13 years. During the concert you will hear the greatest hits such as "Hero", "Fantasy," "Always Be My Baby". Ticket prices start from PLN 170 and can be purchased via the www.LiveNation.pl
"Dear, it took too long !! I'm excited at the prospect of touring for you in Europe. I promise that we survive together incredible moments and that I have for you many surprises. I can not wait to meet you in your cities. Love Mariah xx "- says Mariah.
Mariah Carey is a singer of great vocal range, has sold over 220 million albums, and 17 of 18 of her singles, which won the first prize at the prestigious Billboard Hot 100, were written by her.
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