Nagranie piosenek do filmu Home to nie jedyny wkład piosenkarki w produkcję filmu. Rihanna udzieliła swego głosu głównej bohaterce - dziewczynce o imieniu Tip. W filmie usłyszymy też aktora znanego z roli Sheldona Coopera w serialu Teoria Wielkiego Podrywu - Jima Parsona. Jim i Rihanna prywatnie są dobrymi przyjaciółmi.
Jakie inne piosenki, oprócz utworów Rihanny, znajdą się jeszcze na soundtracku do filmu Home?
Barbadoska singer reveals more songs from the soundtrack to the movie Home.Rihannna As Real As You And Me and Dancing In The Dark - Rihanna's new songs which were released to the network. These are further along Towards The Sun songs from the soundtrack Home disclosed. Plate with a soundtrack to the animated film will be in stores March 31, 2015 year. Home to the Polish movie theaters will come April 10, 2015 year. The world premiere of the film took place on 19 March 2015 year. What are the new Rihanna songs? Dancing In The Dark resembles the old dance style singer, in turn Towards The Sun and As Real As You And Me melodically differ from the earlier pop songs the stars.
Recording songs for the film Home is not the only contribution to the singer in the production of the film. Rihanna gave his voice to the main character - a girl named Tip. The film also hear an actor known for her role as Sheldon Cooper in the television series The Big Bang Theory - Jim Parson. Jim and Rihanna are good friends in private.
What other songs, in addition to tracks Rihanna, will have on the soundtrack to the movie Home?
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