Za produkcję piosenki "I Bet" odpowiada Harmony Samuels. Numer zainspirowany został bolesnym rozstaniem wokalistki z Future'em. To pierwszy numer zapowiadający jej nadchodzący album "Jackie", którego tytuł to imię matki artystki. Premiera planowana jest na maj.
Ciara has released the video for the single "I Bet". Video is responsible for directing Hannah Lux Davis. The video shows the star of presenting his lithe body in dance sequences, as well as lying topless in white dress.
For the production of the song "I Bet" corresponds Harmony Samuels. Number was inspired by a painful breakup with singer Future'em. This first issue of announcing her upcoming album "Jackie", whose title is the name of the mother of the artist. Is scheduled for release in May.
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