New Year's Eve will add unveiled the video for her new single titled "Riotka". Immediately there are opinions that with such a catchy song Doda would be a great representative of Polish during this year's competition will be released in February Eurowizji.15 The English version of the song "Riotka". Doda has recorded a song called "Not Over You", which lasts exactly three minutes, so it will meet the criteria for the admission to the Eurovision song.
sobota, 14 lutego 2015
Anglojęzyczną wersję "Riotki".
Doda w noc sylwestrową zaprezentowała teledysk do swojego nowego singla pod tytułem "Riotka". Natychmiast pojawiły się opinie, że z tak chwytliwym utworem Dorota Rabczewska byłaby świetną reprezentantką Polski podczas tegorocznego konkursu Eurowizji.15 lutego ukaże się anglojęzyczna wersja piosenki "Riotka". Doda nagrała utwór pod tytułem "Not Over You", który trwa dokładnie trzy minuty, więc będzie spełniała kryteria stosowane przy dopuszczaniu utworów do Eurowizji.
New Year's Eve will add unveiled the video for her new single titled "Riotka". Immediately there are opinions that with such a catchy song Doda would be a great representative of Polish during this year's competition will be released in February Eurowizji.15 The English version of the song "Riotka". Doda has recorded a song called "Not Over You", which lasts exactly three minutes, so it will meet the criteria for the admission to the Eurovision song.
New Year's Eve will add unveiled the video for her new single titled "Riotka". Immediately there are opinions that with such a catchy song Doda would be a great representative of Polish during this year's competition will be released in February Eurowizji.15 The English version of the song "Riotka". Doda has recorded a song called "Not Over You", which lasts exactly three minutes, so it will meet the criteria for the admission to the Eurovision song.
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