Zarówno lekarz, ratownik medyczny, strażak, jaki i osoba cywilna, zupełnie niezwiązana zawodowo z medycyną jest w stanie udzielić pierwszej pomocy. To temat, który cały czas potrzebuje nagłaśniania dlatego zaangażowaliśmy się w kampanię pierwszej pomocy" - mówiły gwiazdy na konferencji prasowej.
February 22 to be held in Warsaw Warsaw Torwar Disco and Dance Show. Proceeds from the concert will be donated to the Foundation's activities Prometheus - training and emergency medical services, dealing with the promotion of first aid. At Warsaw Disco and Dance Show will include the Weekend, Boys, accent, beautiful and young, Mig, Cliver, Mr dex, Model MT and Modelink, Dasta, Playboys, B-QII, Andre, Redox, Shantel, Defis and dance formation Temptation, who participated in the "Got Talent ".Gwiazdy that occur at the Warsaw Disco Polo and Dance support the idea of promoting science and first aid. Warsaw Disco Polo and Dance will be one of the biggest dance events in our country. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketpro and Prometheus Foundation's website.
Both physician, paramedic, firefighter, how and a civilian, completely non-medical professional is able to provide first aid. This is a topic that needs to publicize all the time because we have engaged in a campaign first aid "- the stars spoke at a press conference.
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