Podczas wykonywania utworu Birthday Katy Perry zaprosiła na scenę dziewczynkę, która dzień wcześniej obchodziła urodziny. Wylosowana wcześniej fanka siedziała na tronie, a Katy Perry śpiewała dla niej utwór Birthday 'latając' wokół sceny z kolorowymi balonami w dłoni.
Katy Perry concert in Krakow, they made history. Dark Horse author hit the stage at the Krakow made a real show. Colorful balloons, mechanical horses, dancers dressed as space warriors, pyramids, spears - all saw during the Katy Perry concert in Poland 2015. The singer arrived in Krakow as part of a tour by the Prismatic World Tour, which has so far managed to earn now $ 153 million. But back to the show. What songs heard Polish audience during a concert Katy Perry? American star performance of the song began Roar. There were major hits such. Dark Horse, ET, I Kissed A Girl, Firework and California Gurls. He was also a moment of silence during autobiographical song By The Grace of God and sing along with the song Unconditionally audience.
While performing the song Birthday Katy Perry invited on stage girl who the day before her birthday. Previously drawn fan sat on the throne, and Katy Perry sang a song for her Birthday 'flying' around the stage with colorful balloons in her hand.
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